
Well, I’m Belarusian but I reside in Istanbul/Turkey now. The motto for my life is CARPE DIEM (seize the moment). Maybe that’s why street photography is one of my great passions in life. I’m desperately in love with street photography because it is unpredictable. That’s what makes it a challenge. Leaving your house you have no idea what you might see during  your street hunt. Letting go and being present in the streets is a liberating feeling. You’re capturing fleeting moments that will never occur the same way again. Well, I took my first candid photos only at the beginning of 2018 but I wish I had discovered it sooner.
Mostly I try to catch some moments of everyday life of Istanbul in more or less artistic way…and I love experimenting with my camera (trying to create something out of nothing). My gallery is pretty chaotic but most of all I’m addicted to silhouettes, shadows and reflections. With street photography you learn to appreciate these little things and details that are always around us but are usually taken for granted. Stay focused, folks!

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About The Collection

That’s what all we’ll be.  Just some silhouettes, rarely seen, but yet believed in.