
I was born in 1971 and live in Hannover, a city with 500.000 citizens in Germany.
My first contact with street photography was on my travels in the 90´s when I even don’t know anything about this genre. Since 2016 I have been concentrating exclusively on street photography. I am already slightly addicted to it.
Since I am blind on the left side since birth and have only 25% vision on the other eye, I am rather a slow photographer. Candid photography is not my preferred discipline. Composing a stage and waiting for the decisive moment is my favorite way to work. I can be very patient. Sometimes I´m kneeling on the floor for 15 minutes when I think it´s worth it.My styles and triggers change from time to time. Sometimes it is the work with reflections and blur, sometimes it is juxtapositions or curiosity gaps that inspire me. But always a clear and graphic composition is important to me. I don’t like chaos in my pictures. I would like to leave out all unimportant picture elements as far as possible. The selection should give you an overview.
I am less interested in showing certain characters on the streets. I would rather document the light, the colours and the forms of the urban landscape in relation to the human being.
For me a good photo is not only composed in a balanced way, but also tells a story or conveys an emotion.
At the moment I´m doing minimal photography on street to stay safe during the pandemic.

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