Ashraful Arefin

Ashraful Arefin is a Fine Art Photographer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Been always interested in Fine Arts, Ashraful wanted to be an artist from childhood.
He started studying Fine Arts and have chosen Graphic Design as the major in the university.
Ashraful was photographically born in 2013 when he started doing a 365 project,
and completely fell in love with photography and found his true passion for it.
Ashraful has been very much inspired by the simple little things
and tries to portray his appreciations for the beauty of simple things through his works.

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About The Collection

When it comes to Dhaka, most of the time we get to hear how overpopulated the city is, or how bad the living conditions are there.
Before photographing streets, I used to think like that too.
But once I started exploring the streets in Dhaka, especially in the old town, I found that this city is full of hidden gems.
The 412 years old capital city of Bangladesh is filled with history, traditions, architecture from Mughal and British era, and people with authentic, unique lifestyles.
Especially the old town of Dhaka is full of life with the essence of true Bengali lifestyle. All the narrow lanes, alleyways are very photogenic, each street have its own vibe and character.
Though in a first glance it might seem very chaotic and crowded, but eventually I fell in love with that chaos.
There is a certain beauty in the middle of that bustling crowds, old buildings, and streets. It’s very raw, vibrant, and part of the daily life.
That’s what I wanted to capture in this series, to show how different and unique life can be in this part of the world.