I am a Kolkata based street photographer, hold a B.Tech degree in Electrical Engineering. I am one of the curators of World Photographic Forum in Facebook and in Instagram and also member of Street Eye Collective. I was the guest curator of women in street, Unexposed Collective and Hardcore Street Collective for thematic contest. My works have been published in Eyeshot magazine, Chiiz Magazine, National Geographic, PA magazine, 121clicks.com etc. My works were chosen as one of the winners of women street photographers and were exhibited in New York City and Kuala Lumpur. I was also one of the finalists of Street Foto Sanfrancisco festival in single image category in 2019 and exhibited in San Francisco. Recently my work got selected for “Double Trouble” of Women in street which is a part of “Head on Photo Festival” in Australia. In India my works have been exhibited for several times including “Kolkata International Photography Festival”.

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About The Collection

This selection contains images from Kolkata, Varanasi, Ganga sagar Island, and Las Vegas. As Kolkata is my home town, this city has a tremendous influence on me. Most of the images are from this city. Decisive moment excites me. It is the fraction of second which matters and I carry my camera with me most of the time so that I don’t miss a chance to capture the candid moment.  I love to play a rhythm with my images. A visual poetry has to have its soul and I love to bring that soul though my photographs. As I live in India street animals play key role in my photographs. Pigeons, dogs, horse, cow all have their distinct nature and I love to capture them to bring out different street essence.