Ximena Echague

I grew up in Buenos Aires, became a photographer in Europe, and I am now living between New York and Brussels.
I have learned a lot in many street and documentary photography workshops over the years. From MAGNUM to IN-PUBLIC, from APF to LEICA AKADEMIE and, more recently, at the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York.
Many photographers have influenced my work over years of interaction and, lately, I am inspired by Rohit and Vineet Vohra.
My work has been exhibited around the world in 17 countries of Europe, America, and Asia, including 4 Individual exhibitions and 40 Collective exhibitions.
I won the Second Prize at the Brussels Street Photography Festival 2019 and was Finalist at the Miami Street Photography Festival, StreetFoto San Francisco, Italian Street Photo Festival, and Brussels Street Photography Festival several times.
I am Ambassador and Jury of Women Street Photographers, curated by Gulnara Samoilova, based in New York, and Curator of Latin American Women Photographers (Fotografas Latam) for its international exhibitions.
I am a member of Little Box Collective, a group of street photographers from all over the world.
I am also a Curator and Jury of photography exhibitions, and I conduct Photography Workshops and Mentorships, in-person, and online.

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About The Collection

My life has influenced the way I look at the people around me.
I have always lived in big cities like Buenos Aires, Madrid, Brussels and New York, with a large floating population, which naturally led me to empathize with the struggle and challenges of people on the move.
Living now in New York, I am at the epicentre of this human dynamic. People flock every day to the great city from all over the world, in search of their own dream, showing resilience and courage, overcoming all odds. They need to succeed, failure is not an option.