Elwira Kruszelnicka

Photography is my passion, my daily work and the best way to find peace and harmony. I take photos intuitively and with my camera I am like a child with a toy. Once I looked for frames hastily and hungrily, now I know that only when I slow down, I see so much more. It [...]

Chris Silk

I started taking street photographs in 2016, whilst working as a developer for a marketing agency in London. It was one simple decision to take my camera to work with me, but I instantly fell in love with photographing the streets. I am a self-taught photographer, and was already shooting music events on a limited [...]

Federico Feliciotti

I’m an italian amateur street photographer. I live in a small town in central Italy and I started to love street photography about a year ago, during one of my travels. Since then I started experimenting and photographing everywhere. Street photography, in particular, makes you understand what you have around you, allows you to pay [...]

Georgina Peel

I am Georgie. I am a self-taught photographer based in London and I am a mother to three boys. I’ve had a sincere passion for music and photography from an early age. I have a rather wonderful ability to memorise lyrics and since starting my instagram account in early 2019 I have managed to bring [...]

Piti Amraranga

Piti Amraranga Born 1980, Based in Bangkok THAILAND. Graduated in graphic design,
working on product design and interested in street photography. “Besides the advertising and movie industry, one Thai street photographer is also a designer. ‘Piti Amraranga’ He opens a furniture design company named o-d-a. Many awarded winning products made from wood. His career has quite [...]

Raffaele De Vivo

Raffaele De Vivo (aka Rufio) is an Italian street photographer, currently based in Brooklyn, New York City. His journey with photography began at a young age. He studied photography at Istituto Statale d’Arte and proceeded with undergraduate studies at Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples, Italy. Along the way, his photographic interests became more clear [...]

Andrea Pozzoni

I was born in 1981 in Italy (Sondrio) My approach to street photography, with all its nuances, is quite recent. I used to photograph people, now I photograph the particular context and the individual person is an element that often undergoes the context itself. My small home town is the main place where I take [...]

Artem Zhitenev

Artem was born in 1968 in Moscow. He started shooting in 1977, and got into photography as a professional in 1988. Since 1996 Artem Zhitenev works with newspapers and magazines. Lives in Moscow, Russia. A member of International Federation of Journalists. [thb_button_text link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fartemzhitenev.com|title:Artem%20Zhitenev%20Website|target:%20_blank|"][thb_button_text link="url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fartemzhitenev%2F|title:Artem%20Zhitenev%20Instagram|target:%20_blank|"]

Jasper Tejano

Jasper Tejano is a calm and collected street photographer who has built a name for himself in street photography and whose works have been recognized and featured by various local and international publications both online and in print. Through his street photography, he has collaborated with international private groups and non-profit organizations from Brazil, France, [...]

Assaf Gavra

If you want to catch beasts you don't see every day, You have to go places quite out of the way, You have to go places no others can get to. You have to get cold and you have to get wet, too. – Dr.Seuss  We don't see things as they are, we see things [...]

Carlos Antonorsi

Born in Caracas, Venezuela of Corsican and British descent, I have always considered myself a citizen of the world. At 16 years of age I made my way to Vancouver Island, Canada for college, then to England for university; ended up in Greece for 17 years, and for the last few years I have found [...]

Alan Burles

Alan Burles I was an advertising art director but I have now turned to photography and since my early twenties I have carried a camera everywhere I go. Being in advertising had an extraordinary influence on me because I was fortunate enough to work at Saatchi & Saatchi in London which created a vibrant and [...]