
Subhran Karmakar

I am a street photographer based in India. I have a Mass Communication background in my education and since my university days I practice this style for a few years now and the reason behind my starting was I can always do it whenever I want and wherever I want. I don’t have any high requirement for devices, I always use a point-and-shoot camera or sometimes an old iPhone. Alongside I also do Graphic designing. I shoot in the early morning and then start working after coming back home. On weekends I spend my whole day outside, having good food and shooting.

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About The Collection…

I believe there are so many things to photograph every day and everywhere. A little creativity and attention are needed to spot those moments and create them in our way. As a photographer, I have realized over time that, if we enjoy seeing there is no boring day, but it’s very important to see.


These pictures are from different parts of India and mostly Kolkata. I roam around my city almost every day and also I travel a lot. In street photography, I have a storytelling approach. Whenever I enter a scene, there is always a curiosity in my mind or let’s say many questions. I freeze the moment when I get the answer.