Sofia Sebastian

I was born in Madrid but I currently lives in Washington DC. I was first introduced to photography while watching classic movies as a teenager but went on to pursue a career in international relations. Starting in 2011 I began to focus in photography as an art form, but it was only recently that I discovered my passion for street and documentary photography.

My work has been exhibited internationally in both solo and group shows. I received the first Female in Focus Award from 1854 Media in 2019 and have been a finalist in various street photography festivals, including Street Photo Milano in the category of emerging photographer, Street Photo San Francisco, and Aussie Street 2019.

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About The Collection…

As someone raised in a big city, I am fascinated with the pace of everyday life. Trapped and competing for a space that I create, the characters on my stage are frequently engaged with something happening outside of the frame. There is energy but the commonality is a sense of drama, distress, and an embrace of the unknown.

I like to experiment with different approaches. Sometimes I look for interesting light. Other times, I simply walk in search of new ideas and stories.