I am a British Documentary and Street Photographer, with an interest in surrealism, action, and humour. I am also a photography educator, through writing and leading courses, and work on reducing down complex ideas relating to sociology and philosophy and figuring out the best way to help students interpret those ideas through the camera.
I started making photographs in my last year of university, and since then have made photographs in the worlds of fashion, production, journalism, activism, still life, portraiture, and worked on many other side projects.
My current work involves a combination of many ideas and will hopefully result in some meaningful and personal storytelling results.

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About The Collection

My selection of images here were all made in 2019, on 35mm black and white film.  2019 represents a transition in my work, as I began to move away from images based around aesthetic to photographing moment-to-moment happenings. I work with manual focus rangefinders, which means I spent a lot of time working on my ability to pre-empt action, anticipate potential, and force myself to never stop searching for possibilities.