Born in 1964, I have started photography in October 2010, when my wife gave me a camera as a gift for my birthday. But I always shyly loved it even though I was born as a musician. I played guitar in bars and performed as a street singer. I played a lot, without a real project, experiencing many different jobs. Everyone has his own monsters to fight and I need to learn something new every day in order to go to sleep peacefully. Now, I am an educator in middle schools for children with cognitive-behavioral disorders.
Every day I get through the station to go to work. Every day I take pictures as I walk to get the subway after getting off the train. Railway station, an immense crossroad of individuals of all ethnicities and nationalities, has become my hunting ground. In this fascinating no-man’s-land so many stories intertwine every day and all of them deserve to be told. I do what I can. I believe that shooting is a way to circumvent Time to make me caress Eternity in secret.
I am a commuter. And I’m a streepher.

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