All my life I have been photographing, but about four years ago something happened – I “discovered” street photography. It was really a revelation for me in my photographic work to include a person’s interaction with his/her surroundings. And people in an urban environment can really provide lots of opportunities to catch interesting interactions.Besides my passion for photography, I work professionally with industrial and graphic design.I graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in 1987, and I have lived in Copenhagen, Denmark, most of my life.

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About The Collection

Mankind is a flock animal and we feel safe when we gather in large groups.But occasionally we stand alone. We unconsciously conquer the space we place ourselves in.We interact with it and own it for a moment.Our presence brings an unknown story, which activates the imagination of a witness to the scene, and a new visual context emerges.A photograph can sometimes bring an unknown story alive.
It can accentuate and maybe clarify.