Marco Cajazzo

I was born in Mazara del Vallo, a small Sicilian town, in 1975. Now I live in Catania where I work as a SW engineer. I started studying photography in 2017 when a friend who is passionate about photography pointed out that maybe I had a good visual sense (ironically I am visually impaired in the right eye). Now I teach street photography at the Imagozero association in Catania. I photograph mainly in Sicily trying to capture the beauty of the world with my Fuji X100V.

I am in love with Elliott Erwitt’s photography and I think that David Gibson’s “Street Photographer’s Manual” is a milestone book for anyone who wants to start street photography. In 2020 I had the great satisfaction of being a finalist in three important street photography festivals, in Rome, Miami and Istanbul. I will participate in the Treviso Photo Festival which will be held next September.

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About The Collection…

My photos are simple, based on observing the world around me. I look for overlaps, coincidences, oddities, surreal situations: everything that can make the observer say “How is it possible?” or at least make him smile. These photos are the consequence of what I saw, not of an a priori project and I have taken them in the last 3 years mainly in Sicily. The street can be an incredible stage of beauty and humanity. The street photographer has the mission to capture the beauty of the moment.