Kevin lcabales

He is Kevin Icabales. A Filipino street photographer from Bacoor, Cavite, Philippines. He is also a professional real estate photographer, event photographer, and freelance photojournalist for Pond News Asia.

His street photography works were exhibited in various countries such as the Philippines, Italy, Germany, Romania, India, and Ukraine. He is the winner of the Italian Street Photo Festival 2019 (Single Photo category) and his works can be seen in known &  publications such World Street Photography Book 5, World Street Photography Book 6, Eyeshot Magazine, Street Sweeper Magazine, Street Photography Magazine, and ProgressivE-zine.

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About The Collection…

“Interesting Silhouette Mysteries” collection will always catch your interest. There is a feeling of euphoria and some of it, you will feel nostalgic. The drama that silhouettes show lures our eyes and minds to stop and assess what the scene is all about. It’s time for you to witness and feel every photo included in this collection. Have an awesome viewing.