Katarzyna Urbanek, freelance photographer from Poland. Graduate Association of Polish Art Photographers and Academy of photo reportage at University of Warsaw. Winner first prize of the Open Wall on Luxembourg Street Photography Festival 2019, laureate “Short Street Stories” Trieste Photo Days Festival 2019, Brussels Street Photography Festival 2019, Leica Street Photo Poland 2018. She participated in several other exhibitions. Her passion is documenting city street life.

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Her love for street photography comes from her love to observe people. The unpredictability of everyday life fascinates her. She prefers the process of being an observer as opposed to being part of the scene. The common thread that runs through all her pictures is that they are all dealing with human sentiments and emotions. It feels that the place does not seem to matter for her. It’s hard to notice whether she took us to Warsaw, New York, London, Hanoi, Brussels or Milan. These are all short stories kept in one shot. Reflections of memories, reveries, fears and dreams. Emotions and funny moments captured and wrapped with an abstract humor. She comments the moments that were very fragile and, therefore passed. You may return to the very same place. Even if the light would be similar, the same story will not happen again.