Jonas Grauel

I‘m a trained sociologist working in a consumer protection organisation in Düsseldorf, Germany. I‘m interested in all the weird phenomena of modern societies‘ consumption – luxury, taste, indulgence, waste, advertising… and the unfortunate consequences for animals, nature and climate and how to relieve them. Also, I‘m a trainer for non-violent communication, a guitarist-singer-songwriter – and of course a street photographer!


Little Wonders only the Open Eye can see

To me, street photography is pure play. I roam the streets aimlessly and endlessly as we were doing when we were kids… here and there I will detect something interesting – be it an object, animal or a bunch of people. I’ll go closer to inspect the scene, ready to find surreal moments or see connections between things apparently unconnected.
Among the motives that fascinate me are half-hidden people, extremities popping out of somewhere, tigers, money, advertisements, strong colors, left-behind shoes, graffitis, light and shadow and many more.

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© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
© Jonas Grauel
A Dark Figure passing by