I’m a ​​​French Canadian Photographer residing in Nikko, Japan. I consider myself an autodidact who gets inspired by trips, trivial, and events to step out of my comfort zone. I like to use street photography to immortalize energy and emotions from magnificent, human, and comical scenes. When taking photos, I prefer an unobtrusive approach. It helps me to explore how the environment impacts human actions and decisions.

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About The Collection

For the last couple of years, I’ve been spending quite a lot of time exploring daily life and searching for uniques scenes in one of the most exciting cities in the world; Tokyo. Since my first visit in 2006, the Japanese Capital has always been an endless source of inspiration, and I am very grateful to be able to capture and document it on a regular basis. Armed with my camera, I’ve walked in the streets of Tokyo more than in any other city in the world, and I want to keep exploring its super crowded and popular areas as much as its hidden and unknown district. On the other side, I am also very grateful to be living in the mountains of Tochigi. The World Heritage Site, Nikko’s beautiful nature, and the thousands of tourists coming over every year help me to balance my work as a photographer.
This collection is a random selection of my favorite photographs taken over the past years in Tokyo and Nikko.