I’m Giancarlo Bomba. I’m Italian, I’m a photographer and a graphic designer as well. Due to my visionary attitude and creativity I’ve always daydreamt about a fantasy world full of images.  I clearly remember how it all began. Many years ago I happened to find a small, cheap compact camera. That was the time I first fell in love with photography and since then, I’ve never quit it.  As I grew up, I meant to improve my technique by taking classes and  attending professional courses. My personal experience, combined with educational training helped me become more self-confident even when I had to develop new visual languages. Then I had the opportunity to explore social photography as well as anything related to visual storytelling. I love both so much and I usually compare street photography to jazz,  as the latter suggests we can create order out of chaos. That’s a true inspiration, an additional insight that really makes the difference and helps capture the right, instant moments of our daily life.

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