Gerardo Alcaraz

I was born in Alicante in 1973 and I have been photographing since I was 16 years old, with my first camera that I still have and use. Street photography is my biggest hobby.

Shooting with film and digital without rules. I don’t have a project, I’m not looking for anything in particular. When I go out, I always carry a camera and photograph what I like or attract my attention.

I am finalist of the 2020 MSPF and finalist of the 2021 ISPF.

My goal is to enjoy photography and keep learning. It’s a long way

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About The Collection…

This collection is made up of recent photos, from my last stage as a street photographer. These are disjointed photos, without pretending to show a series or project. Most of these photos are taken in Spain. In this small collection, we sometimes find humor, coincidences, compositions, or simply spontaneous moments from real life.