Fidalgo Pedrosa, 65, photographer since 1975.
Author of two “photobook:
– “A vida um instante” (2013)
– “40 – Time doesn´t stand still” (2015).
I do Photography for passion and as a form of personal artistic expression in a perspective of sharing and communicating with society. I like to photograph spontaneous and unprepared life in its interaction with the surroundings and in unusual, unique and unrepeatable moments, without forgetting the composition. In a photograph, I value life moments and emotions more than technique.I like to travel to photograph. I shoot in the street discreetly and stealthily (candid) however, sometimes, I also interact with people photographing them with their consent.
I publish BW and color, on Instagram and Facebook.We are all Observed and We are all Observers.To photograph is to communicate.

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About The Collection

This selection of 20 photographs had as a concept not only the display in the cities where I photographed, but also the “representation” of my “eclecticism” in the approach of themes. In fact, I like to photograph in the streets, either in a discreet and stealthy way, or in direct contact and with the consent of those portrayed. I also like the so-called “decisive moment”, the aesthetic integration and interaction of the human being with the environment and also registering moments of humor and irony.