Emil Gataullin, born in 1972, based in Moscow, Russia. In 1999 he graduated from Moscow Surikov Institute of Art, majoring in monumental painting. He studied photography with one of the leading Russian photography ideologists and authors, Alexander Lapin, from 2003 to 2004.
His work was published in GEO, LFI Magazine, The New York Times, Black+White Photography, FOTO Magazine, Schwarzweiss, Russian Reporter, Ogonek, Takie Dela among many other magazines and online media. His projects were shown in solo exhibitions in Germany, France, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Hungary, Slovakia and Russia. He won many awards including Monovisions Photography Awards 2017, PhotoVisa 2015, The Alfred Fried Photography Award 2014. In 2016 his personal retrospective book “Towards the Horizon” was published by Edition Lammerhuber.

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About The Collection

I live in the outskirts of Moscow, but in spite of that I rarely photograph there. I feel alienated by the rhythms and hassle of the big city. I prefer the quiet life of Russian provinces and the people there. That’s why I grasp at every opportunity to go as far away from the capital as possible, and prefer the small towns and villages in the countryside. This is where I look for inspiration for my work. Russian province isn’t just a place I love, it is my connection to my childhood memories, to my past, to my grandmother’s house where I first looked through my camera.