Photography is my passion, my daily work and the best way to find peace and harmony. I take photos intuitively and with my camera I am like a child with a toy. Once I looked for frames hastily and hungrily, now I know that only when I slow down, I see so much more. It turned out I do not have to go far to catch an interesting moment. A stroll on a nearby beach, city, watching people – it may bring much joy.

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About The Collection

”Anonymous heroes of everyday life” is a project that was born some time ago. When I looked through a few street pictures, I suddenly saw something common and universal in them. I felt certain anonymity of the man in urban public spaces. I think big urban spaces and fast pace of life make our anonymity grow. The city itself is becoming more and more distant to human nature and though we try to make up for its comfort with technology we feel alienated. However, in the middle of the day when you look closely enough, you can see nameless heroes separated from the urban bustle. In the pictures they can look a little bit lonely, though it didn’t have to be the way they felt. In everyday life we pass around a lot of people like that: thoughtful, busy or staying in reflection. Choosing the right way to look: from the distance, against the sun, reflected in a puddle, or focusing on the human shadow, helps us to see it more clearly.