In my almost 33 years of life, I have been fortunate enough to live in several cities of different countries like: Constanta, Istanbul, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Toledo, Bucharest, Sofia, London, Kaohsiung. As a self-taught photographer my passion for details has helped me discover a new dimension of visual understanding while acquiring a taste for the depth hidden in what seems to be meaningless.

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About The Collection

I began to develop the Coincidence Project in late 2012. I came to realize that living in a society bombarded by information and images, the surroundings go unnoticed in front of our eyes and seem banal. Through the photograph of “coincidences” I have been able to rediscover the mystery of the reality, to show the underlying unity of the Whole through the juxtapositions of the elements that surround us daily.
My search focuses on those details that make something very known and usual to us get out of its ordinary existence, to become a story that consumes you. The art of the coincidences that I gather in my images consists in the creation of a new space, free of duality, where we can escape and recreate ourselves. The images do not show beautiful, flashy or glorious scenes, but special places where the opposites meet to unite their differences. Where there are two, there seems to be three, and where there seems to be three there is actually only One.