Daniele Zarri

I was born in a small Italian town, which helped me in the search for details, I have a relationship with free photography, I prefer to go along with my personal research rather than receiving instructions.I shoot alone on the street, I like the company but I feel more comfortable if I am alone.
Photography has always been a reason for me to document life, in recent years I have changed the approach to this type of documentation.
I feel lucky to have recognition in Italy and in the world, with which I have been able to relate to other realities and get to know enthusiasts of street photography.

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About The Collection

Since 2014 I started using the camera as a tool to create a moment of personal escape.
I have many shots in the archive but I mostly publish juxaposition shots with which I am better known.
I like to create stories by combining elements that I find on the street, sometimes surreal other bizarre, I move with my mind always full of the details that I find on the street trying to keep them all under control and foreseeing what can happen.
This approach frees my mind from daily commitments and makes me feel completely immersed in this vision of mine.
I prefer not to pose the subjects and find satisfaction in being able to capture a moment that could hardly repeat itself in front of me.
When i take the time to take pictures, I love to stay suspended in this search of mine even for hours, with a camera in hand you are never alone.