I am a woman from the region of Asturias, in the north of Spain. I have always loved photography but I am not a professional, I try to combine photography with my work in a Trade Unión. I have always liked photos that show the energy of the streets, which have layers and can be read as multiple stories. I am very honored to have participated in the 2019 Annual Street Photography Women Expo in New York City, curated by Gulnara Samoilova, Finalist at the Streetfoto San Francisco 2019 contest, Winner of the Brussels Prize at Brussels Street Photo Festival 2019,  Finalist at Urban Photo Awards 2019 (Trieste, Italy), Semifinalist and Head On Photo Festival 2020  (Australia)

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About The Collection

I took these photos in the Quartier “Les Marolles” (Brussels), the neighborhood of the real brusseleer conversation. It is inhabited by artisans, non-native workers and the elderly. Some of them offer a desolate image. Men and women like this are part of the neighborhood, they are not isolated. The day I took the same photos there was a very colorful and popular party, a parade of giants also organized by the Spanish colony. We can see people of many cultures, ages and races sharing the party. Elderly with their bags and their Marollien bearing. Children and also whole families in distress sell their “bibelots” hoping to get some money. The neighborhood is dirty not only as a result of the popular street festival of that day, but also of something deeper that emanates from its own essence. In this series, although there are people, these are not the protagonists, but the heart of the neighborhood, which has its own heartbeat.