Chun Ming Chan

I born in Hong Kong in 1958, and has been retired from a career in banking since 2014.
My first contact with photography was in 1977.
I have not been very serious on my photography for over 30 years.
I regain my photography interest from 2009 mainly on birds photography but change to photograph people in street from mid 2014 which now known as “Street Photography”.

Photography to me is the memory and passion of life.

All matters in our life will be disappeared in a moment, however, I can retain some of my feelings and express my point of view through the lens.
I follow my gut instinct and my feelings to record the people and things in street.
I never ask for permission from the people I took their pictures as it would ruin the natural expression on them.
Sometimes I find a stage with good light and shadow, I would wait the right people walk through my frame.

I like street photography as thing happened and people in the street everyday are different and fresh even though in the urban I have been living for over 30 years.
I took all my pictures mainly in Hong Kong.
I like to take pictures in Central District as this area full of new and old buildings, local and foreign people, different vehicles, attractive light and shadows in different period of the year.
A good picture for me no need be artistic or esoteric, however, it should bare with emotion and passion of the photographer.
I believe that a picture without emotion is dead.
My favourite subjects are light, shadows and people with attractive expression and gestures.  I considers street photography an activity where I can continue to learn my whole life long.

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