
Alex Almeida

I am a Brazilian musician who later became a journalist and photographer. I was born in 1973 in the seaside city of Santos, also known as “Pelé’s home”. Since my young undergrad years, I have journeyed into the heartlands of Brazil driven by curiosity and awe as I discovered the cultural cauldron treasure secularly hidden and cut from broadcasts and the midiatic agenda. My excursions through the fluvial roads of the forests or the desolate whereabouts of faraway towns in the Brazilian North and Northeast were nearly as exhausting as they were richly rewarding. I have headed my life northward, into the many Amazons that are still hidden in the heart of a colorful, continental yard where I stroll to find company and pleasure watching its vivid parade of resistance.

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About The Collection…

The “ATLANTICO NEGRO” series was devised from my experience in the peripheral cultures of big Brazilian cities as well as the plunge into the depths of the Amazon rainforest, mostly renowned for its wildlife and vegetation, however equally vast in its human mosaic.


This universe referred to as “minorities” has been historically oppressed and erased in Brazil both by the protection neglect of the original native peoples and the absence of the historical atonement owed to the peoples of the African diaspora.


In the management of their dignified survival, these communities today claim their place of belonging in a new Brazil, where transformation seems to spring from the colors and the beauty of their rituals, which are arrayed in a brave and urgent yell of resistance.