Alan Burles

 10 photographs that found me.

This project is about ideas and narrative. It is because I feel that street photography can be more than colours, shapes, silhouettes etc. It can be rich in ideas and humour. But it is a collection that I didn’t look for, I feel that these photographs found me. I let life take me where it will and photographs seem to happen. Charles Wesley, an eighteenth century English poet and clergyman, wrote that he was ‘lost in wonder, love and praise’ and those words resonate with me. They suggest an openness, an acceptance of life and all its quirks and curiosities. If we too can be open and find wonder in the everyday then our lives – and maybe our photographs – will be as rich as they can be.
If there is one way to stand out from today’s abundance of photographs, then it is to have your own voice, your own way of seeing. I strive for it every day.

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