At the age of seventeen I was given my first camera, it was the same camera my mother had used to document our childhood, she used to photograph our everyday and create family albums that I have looked at hundreds of times. Without really knowing or thinking about what I was doing, I took photographs of my high school and university years. I started doing the same my mother did, documenting my every day, mainly the people around me, my family, my friends, people I met on my way. Street photography came naturally, it had to be that way. The process of photography is so beautiful, it makes you see things in such a different way, that pictures present themselves to you wherever you are.

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About The Collection

I am simply someone that documents my everyday with the help of the camera. It helps me understand everything that happens around me and my place in it, and I do it mostly for myself, because it makes me happy, because I see extraordinary things and moments thanks to the camera.
I would say I take pictures with my heart, do some thinking during the editing process and wish I had more time to be a bit more serious about it and be able to prepare a complete series of work instead of 20 pictures from different unfinished projects.