Gokhan Gokcay is a self-taught photographer. His passion for light, reflections, dark nights have been developed during the Istanbul years in University. His primary focus is to Explore various forms of expression between geometrical forms and documentary. His projects mainly concern geometrical perspectives, movement in a theatrical environment. In his photos, shadows and silhouettes certainly play an important role, as characters interacting with human characters in these stories. He is working on creating street photos in a unique, artistic, and theatrical way. He has often been featured in online media like eyeshot magazine, muse D’Orsay, bnw demand, the photographer academy.
I am from Istanbul, Turkey. I am @gokhangogo from Instagram. The roads took me to my university education where I met my lovely wife and photography. I was amazed with the old dark streets of Istanbul Besiktas hills that are illuminated with bright yellow lights. With a film camera, I learned how to print in the darkroom, developing films and printing in black and white from my grandfather when I was a kid. Subsequently, for about twenty years, I dedicate myself to street photography that could satisfy me also on an emotional level. We lived in Paris for five years, I moved back and forth between Paris and Istanbul due to my Job, knowing all too well the streets of both cities, and what is in between. I was working in a global lighting company, Light and Shadow is my work and my passion. I am hoping to create a portrait of the dark & shadows of the beautiful cities.
My photos are completely candid and undirected, the natural lighting in the photos gives me a sense of dramatic environments and emotional drama. I like the unknown outcome, spontaneity of this type of street photography. During the process, it is unclear how the end result will be. When on the street, people are walking, bicycles are passing, sunlight is changing. This flow is continuous, so every moment is precious and unique. I am aiming to share this beauty with my audience. For me Catching that moment is much more important than the quality of the photograph.
I like my audience to sense my feelings and that’s one of the reasons I use light, shadows, and silhouettes more. Textures, Forms, Reflections, Whites and Dark blacks are my main tools for a new creation. I am just giving enough information to fill the story in the minds of my viewers. By giving less, I simplify the understanding process and opening a space for more feelings. As said in “Little Prince – Antoine de Saint Exupery: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”.
In my photos, most of the people’s faces are hidden from view. it is almost as if the shadow has removed the subject’s identities while imbuing them with a universal identity, where each person represents us, the viewers. Also the viewer is prompted to wonder who these people are and where they may be going. I am trying to express themes of mobility and being on a journey from one place to another. The main ideas I study around is solitude and the psychological, philosophical, and spiritual human condition.

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About The Collection

In this project, I took a journey to the shadows. In the Allegory of the cave of Plato “On the walls of the cave only the shadows are the truth”. In this modern world, Instagram screens are the walls of our caves, where everyone is happy, charismatic, and beautiful. It is hard to recognize reality. We are all too busy to see it or to feel it. To see the real happiness and beauty I took a journey into the shadows and silhouettes.
Shadows symbolize the subconscious side of us. Contrary to Freud, according to Jung, the shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness and may be positive, negative or creative side of us. I am using shadows, silhouettes, bright light, and dark black to reach you and to share what’s left that’s real or subconsciously real. Here lies the mystery of shadows and silhouettes.
When I see a shadow or a silhouette it is sometimes melancholic, sometimes mysterious and sometimes fun. I think life has beauty every moment and by looking at the shadows we can see the good in the darkness.