I am a London-based, freelance photographer who specialises in candid street photography, portraiture and events.
Initially, I dreamt about becoming a screen actor. I would often go for long walks in Central London to observe human behaviour. I saw it as a way of building my craft as an actor. I would tell myself on numerous occasions that I should get a camera to capture some of the scenes that caught my eye and engaged my brain. I eventually purchased my very first camera and I haven’t looked back since.

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About The Collection

Before picking up a camera and exploring the medium I had very little interest in the subtle, visual delights of the world. Such as colour and the way that light can bring colour to life. Photography rekindled my love for the small things. This series of photos is a homage to the medium of photography and the beauty of colour; as well as an exploration of the human condition. Largely romanticised, but always candid and real.