Willie Velazquez
I’ve been walking around with a camera in hand for a few years now, shooting anything and everything that pops out at me. Whether I’m out on a dedicated photo walk or running errands and socializing; burning more film is always the objective. I don’t hunt particular subjects nor try adhering to a single style; I simply keep an open eye and shoot from the gut.
Im a member of the Queens Street Photo Crew and being that I was born, raised and currently based in Queens, I make a lot of my work there and almost always in color. But it doesn’t really matter where I am, only that I keep my eyes peeled with my finger on the shutter button. Moments catch my eye, strange and tender alike. gestures, expressions, etc.
Sometimes it’s a game of endurance; how many shots, rolls, weeks before you make a good photo? For me It’s a high, a therapy, an exercise, an expression, a lifestyle. Its fun when alone or with good company. Some times challenging, often rewarding. I’m just grateful I live in the Mecca, NYC. The streets feed you here.