Devie Koerniawan

I am Devie Koerniawan, from the city of Surabaya in Indonesia. I am a civil servant. Through street photos I find happiness, not only when I get a good moment, but since my feet have stepped, I have felt happy. I have been photographing since 2008, but I have only just discovered the pleasure of [...]

Yalım Vural

1978 Izmir Turkey ,1996 Izmir Lycee Saint Joseph 2002 Izmir Dokuz Eylul Fine Arts Academy Photography . Love street, love changing and editing street.Search always for unique beauty. Search for different point of views. Generally mobile photography. Love also analogue (no edit). [thb_button_text link="|title:Yal%C4%B1m%20Vural%20Instagram|target:%20_blank|"]

Omri Shomer

Omri shomer born in 1982, He grew up in Ge'a, a small village in the southern state of Israel. Omri married to Tamar and father of Noam, his daughter and Ido, his baby boy. He was a copywriter for 7 years In serval advertising agencies in Israel, and started to take  photos since he was [...]

Francesca Chiacchio

My name is Francesca Chiacchio, I started shooting and developing photos while studying architecture in Naples, Italy. After graduating, I attended a photography class and participated to two group exhibitions. Soon after I moved to NYC where I lived for 8 years, working as an architect. While there I never abandoned my passion for photography, [...]

Liu Tao

My name is Liu Tao.I come from Hefei, China. I work in urban water supply service industry. I've been doning street photography here for 10 years. I'm very obsessed with shuttling around the streets with my camera from day to night. In the long process, I'm obsessed with every clue of life, like the scarecrow [...]

Donato Di Camillo

Born in Brooklyn New York, Donato Di Camillo is one son of three siblings born from Italian Immigrant Parents. As a child Donato suffered behavioral problems with anger, he would soon be expelled from school at the age of sixteen for violence, then finding himself in and out of behavioral institutions and jails. Ironically Donato [...]

Alvaro Vegazo

I’m Álvaro Vegazo, from Sanlúcar de Barrameda in Spain and I’m a Civil Engineer. Photography is my passion, especially I like Street and Documentary Photography. I started to photograph when I was 15 years old, but nothing serious until 2013. Initially, I got interested in Documentary photography, and while I was taking photos in this [...]

Venice Photo Lab

We are honored to announce the new partnership with Venice Photo Lab. One of their main objectives is to present photographic art to the public for free: a way to encourage young people to dream, to see new horizons through photography, which stimulates travel, knowledge, culture and socializing. They decided to exhibit in Venice and [...]

Treviso Photographic Festival

We are honored to announce the new partnership with Treviso Photographic Festival. The festivals goal  is to bring art free of charge to the center of the squares, a moment to reflect, focus on an image, get excited, look up and look at the buildings as if they were an open-air museum, with no entrances [...]

Barry Talis

Barry Talis Awards, exhibitions, Barry’s work stands tall and talks for itself. Barry has an immense understanding of natural and artificial light, he delves in and out of the realm of religion exploring human nature and bringing us along for the ride. Barry is a member of the international photography collective  Burn My Eye . [...]

Vicky Hsieh

I’m Vicky from Taiwan. It’s been two years since I bumped into the street photography, a world I felt truly fascinating. I was before a high school teacher but considered finding a lifelong interest an important mission. I dare to say, “It’s street photography.” Over these years, I have learned to wait and discover the [...]

Tarik Iki

I come from Paris. I started photography by chance 3 years ago now.I photograph what surrounds me.Each picture has a story you can tell yourself ,I show people what they can see if they are not absorbed by their phone or their thoughts [thb_button_text link="|title:Tarik%20Iki%20Instagram|target:%20_blank|"]