Vasco Trancoso

Born in Lisbon, Portugal. I became a gastroenterologist and from 1983 lived in the city of Caldas da Rainha in the center of Portugal. However after retirement I resumed my sleeping passion for photography. During 2015/2016, my photographic "voice" has changed and my work has been "in colors” and I started by photographing my hometown [...]

Sergio Kaufmann

I’m a Portuguese photographer living in Lisbon and began my photography journey 4 years ago the moment I started to bike to work. The bicycle gave me the freedom and time to explore and see things in a different way. Since then I’ve never stopped photographing and trying different things. I’m always looking for light [...]

Fidalgo Pedrosa

Fidalgo Pedrosa, 65, photographer since 1975. Author of two “photobook: - "A vida um instante" (2013) - "40 - Time doesn´t stand still" (2015). I do Photography for passion and as a form of personal artistic expression in a perspective of sharing and communicating with society. I like to photograph spontaneous and unprepared life in [...]