Danilo Suzuki

Danilo Suzuki My name is Danilo Suzuki, I’m from Brazil, but living in Japan since 2016. I have a background in architecture, so taking photos of famous buildings was a pretty regular hobby for me. Often in architecture photography is much needed to show the human scale, thus including a person in the frame. From [...]

Santiago Martinez De Septien

Santiago Martinez De Septien My name is Santiago Martinez de Septien, engineer by profession and amateur photographer. Born in Burgos, on 64, and living now in Malaga, Spain. Father of a numerous family, I’ve always had a fascination for photography, but it was in these last few years that I’ve discovered it deeply. I define [...]

Fatih Çindemir

Fatih Çindemir I was born in Turkey and I have been living in the capital city, Ankara. I started taking photos in 2008. I love living street photography. I can tell my passion in this statement ' As I am not able to express what I have in my mind and soul in words, I [...]

Dougie Wallace

Dougie Wallace Premier Padmini taxis, first introduced to the streets of Mumbai in the 1960s, have now all but disappeared following the introduction of laws to reduce pollution in the city. Locally known as ‘Kaali-Peeli’, there were once more than 60,000 of these iconic black and yellow cabs struggling through the chaos of Mumbai’s streets. [...]

Street Photographers Book Published

Street Photographers Book Published We have the honor to inform you about the release of the first issue of the  Street Photographers Book series. This book was ready in February, but due to the Coronavirus lockdown and world health problem, there was a long delay in the distribution of our book. From today, you can [...]

Jeffrey De Keyser

Jeffrey De Keyser Jeffrey De Keyser (born 23 February 1984 in Kortrijk) is a Ghent-based Belgian street photographer who likes to focus on the surreal and absurd condition of human existence. He sees photography as a mirror of the subconscious, as an existential inquiry into perception, as a way of questioning the Camusian conflict between [...]

Cedric Roux

Cedric Roux French photographer from Paris. It took a first trip to NY to overcome my natural shyness and dare to take the plunge to start photographing. Since that day, I’m trying to take photographs wherever I am. [thb_button_text link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cedricroux.com|title:Cedric%20Roux%20Website|target:%20_blank|"][thb_button_text link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fcedricroux|title:Cedric%20Roux%20Instagram|target:%20_blank|"] About The Collection COLOR series Little collection of colored images. It’s all about the [...]

Tomer Vaknin

Tomer Vaknin I’m Tomer, 36 years old, father of Emanuel and Ariel, married to Sharon and my  Leica  camera. My love story with photography started at 17. At 22, the hobby became a profession, and with Leica – I realized a dream. Leica is a manual camera brand that enables single, clean and clear photography. [...]

Daniele Zarri

Daniele Zarri I was born in a small Italian town, which helped me in the search for details, I have a relationship with free photography, I prefer to go along with my personal research rather than receiving instructions.I shoot alone on the street, I like the company but I feel more comfortable if I am [...]

Ashraful Arefin

Ashraful Arefin Ashraful Arefin is a Fine Art Photographer based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Been always interested in Fine Arts, Ashraful wanted to be an artist from childhood. He started studying Fine Arts and have chosen Graphic Design as the major in the university. Ashraful was photographically born in 2013 when he started doing a 365 [...]

Denis Cherim

In my almost 33 years of life, I have been fortunate enough to live in several cities of different countries like: Constanta, Istanbul, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Toledo, Bucharest, Sofia, London, Kaohsiung. As a self-taught photographer my passion for details has helped me discover a new dimension of visual understanding while acquiring a taste for [...]

Richard Koci Hernandez

Richard Koci Hernandez I went many years without asking a crucial question about my photographic obsession with hats. Why? I think I was afraid of the answer. I think I still am. It’s such a visceral attractio one that often has me going to great lengths to capture the “man in the hat”—that I’ve jumped [...]