
Riccardo Cattaneo

Riccardo Cattaneo I’m an Italian photographer from Milan, where I was born and raised. My daytime job is creating pictures and I love it, but nothing is more satisfying then taking a good photo on the street. It is the perfect playground to learn how to look at the world, at its actors and their [...]

Marco Peron

My name is Marco, i’m 30 and i was born in a little city in Italy; i start photography after trying a lot of hobbies and till my 26 i never picked up a camera. When i bought myself the first camera i think that was love at first sigh, i slowly came across street [...]

Andrea Torrei

Light and colors as narrative, as emotions, as complement. I assign a lot of meaning to color and, sometimes, it may play the main role in a photograph evoking feelings. I work in both black&white and color but I have been mostly exploring the latter and its emotional response. I am passionate about different genres [...]

Alessandro Rocchi

I'm not sure which came first, being nosey or having an interest in “street photography”. I was born in Pesaro in Italy in 1974. I start take photographs when I was a child and my parents bought me an automatic film camera.  I’m a self-taught photographer but during years I had the opportunity to join [...]