Christina Noerdam Andersen

I am a self-taught photographer living in Copenhagen, Denmark. As a photographer I recognize the beauty within imperfection and the appreciation of flaws, which makes a scene unique. Chance encounters, fleeting moments and blurry lines. Much like life itself.My passion for photography was sparked in 2010 when Instagram launched. Since then I have not looked [...]

Evagelia Tzekou

My name is Evagelia Tzekou and I am a street and documentary photographer, based in Copenhagen. My background in comic design helps me focus on content and narrative, while I’m always trying to expose the humorous side of life. [thb_button_text link="url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tzekou.dom|title:Evagelia%20Tzekou%20website|target:%20_blank|"][thb_button_text link="|title:Evagelia%20Tzekou%20instagram|target:%20_blank|"] About The Collection You can see a selection of photos from Japan and [...]