Tomer Vaknin

Tomer Vaknin I’m Tomer, 36 years old, father of Emanuel and Ariel, married to Sharon and my  Leica  camera. My love story with photography started at 17. At 22, the hobby became a profession, and with Leica – I realized a dream. Leica is a manual camera brand that enables single, clean and clear photography. [...]

Donato Di Camillo

Born in Brooklyn New York, Donato Di Camillo is one son of three siblings born from Italian Immigrant Parents. As a child Donato suffered behavioral problems with anger, he would soon be expelled from school at the age of sixteen for violence, then finding himself in and out of behavioral institutions and jails. Ironically Donato [...]

Manuel Pena

My name is Manuel Pena and I'm a self-taught photographer from New York. I developed my passion for photography in 2015. Since then I moved to capturing everyday moments in the streets of New York.  My goal is to tell stories using light, shadow, composition and color. I only have one rule: Shoot anything that [...]

Paul Kessel

Paul Kessel After a career in clinical psychology and university teaching, I began photography late in life. (one-month shy of my 70th birthday). I always owned a camera before this time but rarely used it. In 2008  I started photography courses at The International Center of Photography in NYC and never stopped until ten years [...]

Joshua Ethan Johnson

Joshua Ethan Johnson Josh lives in NYC and makes documentary films and photos. In 2015, Josh began an ongoing project called FACES ( which consists of spontaneously shot documentary films and photos. He's made over 26 films and thousands of photos under this project and has no plans to stop. Josh makes his living as [...]

Andy Hann

Andy Hann was born and raised primarily in Southern California. Along with skateboarding and surfing, he developed a deep passion for art and design which he followed into art school and then a prosperous 30 year career in entertainment advertising. After numerous awards and accolades, he says that he woke up one day and decided [...]

David Ingraham

David Ingraham is a Los Angeles-based photographer, musician and teacher. His work has been presented in numerous publications such as the Los Angeles Times, Black & White Magazine, American Photo, as well as David Alan Harvey’s Burn Magazine. His work has been exhibited worldwide, from Paris and Istanbul, New York and Toronto, to Los Angeles. [...]

Zach Kalman

I am a photographer living in the Washington, DC area. I make pictures in the places where live and work, but I don’t feel that my photography is about those places. Instead, I engage in the self-indulgent practice of photographing whatever it feels good to point the camera at. My wife and son are the [...]

Bob Price

My name is Bob Price and I am a photographer from Vacaville, California. Though I do not see myself as a street photographer, I can’t help myself from having fun when doing so. I enjoy documenting the human-influenced landscape. [thb_button_text link="|title:Bob%20Price%20Instagram|target:%20_blank|"] About The Collection These are photographs from Hawai’i and California from 2015-2017.

Chris Hytha

My name is Chris Hytha. I grew up in a small town suburb outside of Philadelphia, and I was always fascinated by the city as a kid. Chasing this curiosity, I moved to the city to start Architecture school at Drexel in 2015. In my first few years of school I loved going out into [...]