My name is Eolo Perfido I’m an italian street photographer based in Rome and I’ve been shooting Street Photography for more than 20 years. I always believed in Street Photography as a powerful tool for growth and one of the finest experience in my life.
Being a Street Photographer is an attitude, is about living the moment, accepting failures. Its my personal zen.
Leica Ambassador between 2013 and 2018, today I’m a Leica Certified Photographer and Leica Akademie instructor.
My Photography has been exhibited in several museums and galleries such as the Leica Galerie in Milan, due piani gallery in Pordenone, Janet Costa Gallery in Recife (Brazil) and the Manege Central Exhibition Hall in S.Petersburg (Russia).
I run groups and individual Street Photography Workshops in Rome and One on One Online Street Photography Workshops.
From January 2019 I’m the Editorial Director of ExibartStreet Magazine, a new editorial platform dedicated to street photography and part the Exibart Magazine, the most important Italian editorial network dedicated to contemporary art.

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About The Collection

A selection of pictures shot in Italy and during some of my travels in Japan, Cuba, Malta, France and Morocco.