Street photography has become the only photography for me. There’s no class or expensive online seminar that can teach you – you learn on the job, be willing to get your hands dirty.
It’s mentally, physically and technically challenging – exhilarating when the scene presents itself and this fragment of time becomes something beautiful and most real. These rarified moments are rewarding of the patient soul.
A few years ago I taught a class at Parsons in NYC called ‘Available Light’ and more recently on assignment for New York Magazine which was for their December issue, “Reasons to Love New York.” – To capture the spirit of different neighborhoods in New York City which is inherently the people.
I’ve always been drawn to a visual narrative of the emotional imbalance in people and also inanimate objects. I love the idea of revealing the human conscience and as my style develops I feel as though I am capturing the poetic nature of how we truly are. Moments of fragility, uncertainty and exasperation.

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